After a crazy hectic week at work it's finally time for me to head to England for a little family holiday. I want to focus on spending time with my husbands family and relaxing, so I won't be posting blog posts or videos next week. I trust that you will understand, and I hope you're excited for all the fun posts and videos that will come when I return. We're ending our trip in London, and spending the last night there. I have a ton of shopping to do while I'm there, and I hope you want to see a vlog! We are also planning on Bicester Village, a designer outlet village outside of Oxford, which I'm super excited about.
I really wanted to go out with a bang and leave you with a bunch of good posts from this week, but typical me, I got sick. It's nothing dangerous, but I'm not feeling amazing and walking and using my hands is painful. It's a good thing I'll have some time to heal on my holiday.
You won't have to miss me too much though, because I will definetly be more active on
Instagram while I'm gone, so make sure you are following me. Other than that, I'll be back with new posts and videos on October 6th!
Illustration by Stanley Smith, 1956 via Tumblr |
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